The Role Of Alternative Investments In A Diversified Portfolio

The Role Of Alternative Investments In A Diversified Portfolio

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If you’re familiar with the phrase, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” you know everything about the risks of investing only in one source. Investments can bring you good returns, but only if you diversify your investments because the market is always fluctuating, and what would happen to all your eggs if you put them all in one basket and lost it?

This article will explain briefly how to use alternate investments as an investment technique and how it can help you build a diversified portfolio.

What Are Alternative Investments?

Alternative investments are not part of traditional assets, like bonds, cash, and stocks. Examples of alternative investments are precious metals like gold and silver, commodities like oil and gas, and other assets like real estate and hedge funds.

When it comes to alternative investments, you might find the following characteristics:

•          Exclusive tax and legal considerations

•          Concentrated portfolios

•          The low correlation of returns as compared with traditional investments

•          Higher fees

•          Fewer regulations

•          Less transparency

•          Restrictions on redemptions

The Role Of Alternative Investments In A Diversified Portfolio

Alternative investments are very different from traditional investments, so when you add them to your portfolio, you have a better chance of lowering your volatility which might ultimately give you higher returns.

It also diversifies your portfolio so you end up with benefits such as:

Low Volatility

Alternative investments reduce the potential overall risk your portfolio might have because they are rarely affected by general market trends

High Returns

Alternatives can improve your return and risk profiles because of the diverse profile it creates for the investor.

Better Diversification

Alternatives are a great method to diversify your portfolio and lower your risk of losing money because they have a low correlation to traditional investments.

But why should you build a diversified portfolio in the first place?

When it comes to building a portfolio, the most important thing is diversity. It is not about the range and variety but more about having a hand in playing complementary assets in your investment strategy.

This means that when one asset moves in one direction, the other moves in the opposite direction. In this way, you can decrease your risk profile no matter how many risk profiles your investments might comprise of.

For example, suppose you have invested in a social media platform company and another company that sells paper, even if the stocks were down for Company A. In that case, it does not mean that Company B’s market process will also dip. These are two completely different companies in different industries, and the market trend of one does not affect the other directly.

Even without drastic market changes, your investments are truly diversified, so you don’t have to worry about losing everything at once, even if one of your investments is in a downward trend.

How To Diversify Your Portfolio

International Market Diversification:

Considering investing in companies out of the country is a good idea. That way, even if the market value is down in your country for a particular company, it might not affect your assets in another part f the world.

Asset Class Diversification:

Experienced investors will always support the idea of diversifying your asset classes. This means investing in traditional assets like cash, stocks, bonds, and alternative investments. This includes assets operating in private and public markets, so you have a better chance of decreasing your risk profiles.

Individual Asset Diversification:

You can invest in multiple assets regardless of whether they are all in the same asset class. This will give your portfolio a good balance of choices with low and high risk in different sectors.

Alternative Investments To Keep An Eye Out For

  • Precious metals
  • Peer-to-peer lending (P2P)
  • Real estate
  • Investing in farmlands
  • Hedge funds
  • Music Royalties
  • Alcohol
  • Agricultural commodities

Risks Of Alternative Investments

  • They are more complicated to understand
  • They have lower transparency as compared to traditional investments
  • They have less liquidity
  • They have higher fees


If there is anything you have learned from this article, it is that you shouldn’t put all your resources in bonds and stocks. It would be best to put a little mix into your assets by making various investments likely to produce higher returns.

It is always a good idea to take into account all the risks you might face as well as have a solid grasp of market trends before committing to any investment strategy. Ultimately, you want to put money into alternatives that will increase returns while lowering your risk profile.


What are alternative investments?

Alternative investments are non-traditional assets that don’t fit into the categories of stocks, bonds, or cash. Examples include private equity, real estate, commodities, and hedge funds.

What is a diversified portfolio?

A diversified portfolio is a collection of investments that are designed to reduce risk by spreading investments across different asset classes and sectors.

What is the role of alternative investments in a diversified portfolio?

Alternative investments can provide additional diversification benefits by offering exposure to assets that are not correlated with traditional stocks and bonds, potentially reducing overall portfolio risk.

What are the benefits of including alternative investments in a diversified portfolio?

Benefits of alternative investments in a diversified portfolio may include reduced portfolio volatility, potentially higher returns, and exposure to assets that are not directly tied to the stock market.

What are the risks of including alternative investments in a diversified portfolio?

Risks of alternative investments in a diversified portfolio may include less liquidity, less transparency, higher fees, and less regulation compared to traditional investments.

How much of a portfolio should be allocated to alternative investments?

The appropriate amount of allocation to alternative investments will depend on an investor’s individual goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. It’s important to consult with a financial advisor to determine an appropriate allocation.

How do alternative investments perform in different market conditions?

Alternative investments can perform differently in different market conditions compared to traditional investments. For example, real estate may perform well in a low-interest-rate environment, while commodities may perform well in times of inflation.

How can investors access alternative investments?

Access to alternative investments may be limited, as they are often restricted to accredited investors. However, some alternative investments are available through publicly traded funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

How do alternative investments fit into an overall investment strategy?

Alternative investments should be considered as part of an overall investment strategy that is based on an investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. A financial advisor can help determine the appropriate mix of investments.

What are some common types of alternative investments?

Common types of alternative investments include real estate, private equity, hedge funds, commodities, and collectibles such as art or wine.